Item specifics

Adult Working Dog Raw Food – 99% meat, bone and offal, 1% botanicals, 0% grain or fillers.Premium raw dog food lovingly prepared by Benyfit Natural. A truly satisfying and healthy meal to assist itchy dogs with a yeast intolerance. This is most often caused by the sugars in vegetables and fruits and, once grain has been eliminated and itching is still persisting, swapping to a vegetable free diet will often stop the excessive itching and scratching.This product is fantastic for anyone wishing to feed a nutritionally balanced diet free of vegetables for any reason and it will result in visible signs of reduced itching & skin irritations, healthy skin, teeth and gums, glossy coat, better digestion and strong bones.Human Grade British Ingredients: Turkey with bone, Green Lambs Tripe, Liver, Kidney, Heart, Flaxseed Oil, Egg, Kelp, Celery Seeds, Alfalfa, Nettles, Rosemary, Psyllium Husks, Clivers and Wild Yam.



146a Greenvale Road

